ADA Guide

This ADA Guide provides an overview of services and facilities available to guests with disabilities. It is intended to supplement the Schedule of Events, which is available at all entrances and Guest Service Booths. Please note all ADA information is subject to change without notice.

Guest Services

Guest Services provides a variety of ADA services, including general information, concert information, grounds entertainment schedules, and information about services for Guests with disabilities. Guests Services are located adjacent to all admission entry points. Fair information can also be obtained on the internet at

Ticket Sales

ADA accessible ticket sales are available adjacent to all admission gates. Call buttons have been placed at accessible ticket areas to recall employees who have temporarily stepped away. Tickets and informational items offered at accessible ticket sales are identical to those offered at non‐accessible areas. Will Call is located at the West Entry.

Food Concessions

Permanent food facilities at the Fair have been ADA designed to serve guests with disabilities. Although temporary food vendors typically operate from portable facilities constructed before accessibility requirements, concessionaires strive to accommodate all guests. ADA accessible tables are located in the main food area.

Food and beverage are not allowed to be brought into the Fair; however, individuals who have special dietary needs due to a medical condition are allowed small coolers to accommodate such needs.


We believe all who feel physically capable of enjoying rides and are able to meet ride requirements be given equal opportunity; however, safety is our first concern.

California State Law requires carnival owners to enforce manufacturer ride restrictions. Carnival operators can deny access to a ride if they feel the guest does not meet ride requirements or if there is a concern for safety.

Guests with questions regarding ride accessibility should speak to the ride operator or visit the Carnival Guest Relations office.

Redi Wheels Service

Redi‐Wheels has designated a stop on S. Delaware Street just south of 25th Ave. near the west side pedestrian entrance. All Redi‐Wheels clients will arrive and depart the San Mateo County Fair from this location for the duration of the fair.

Redi‐Wheels Paratransit service is for persons with disabilities who cannot independently use regular SamTrans bus service some or all of the time. Clients must meet SamTrans eligibility requirements and trips must be prearranged. Contact SamTrans at 1‐800‐660‐4287 or for (TDD only) 650‐508‐6448 for additional information regarding this service.


The San Mateo County Event Center offers parking at the east side of the facility. Parking lot entrance is located on Saratoga Drive 1/4 mile east of South Delaware Street.

Standard parking rates apply. Premium parking spaces, when open, will be available to guests displaying a valid disabled placard or license plate for the standard parking fee. Premium parking spaces also have accessible stalls.

Accessible parking spaces have been designated in the Guest parking lot for guests displaying a valid disabled placard or license plate.

Shopping & Exhibits

All exhibit halls are ADA accessible to guests with disabilities. Exhibitors and concession staff provide excellent customer service to all guests. If you need assistance, please ask a staff member.

No Smoking Area

Smoking in not permitted within 30 feet of buildings and in general areas.  Please smoke in designated smoking area.  These areas can be found on the grounds map.

ATM Machines

ADA accessible ATM Machines are located throughout the grounds.

First Aid

First Aid is available at the Public Services Building, please see location on Map.

Wheelchair Rental

A limited number of manual wheelchairs are available for rent at the Guest Services Kiosks at the West and East Entrances on a first‐come, first‐served basis. A valid California Driver’s License or ID card is required for a security deposit.

Guests with disabilities may use their own wheelchair or an electric scooter with three or more wheels as a mobility device while attending the fair. Guests are welcome to recharge their battery at the Public Service Building.


All public rest rooms at buildings, except those located within the east lobby of Fiesta Hall and exterior south side of Sequoia Hall, are ADA accessible for use by Guests with disabilities.

Service Animals

Service animals are welcome at the San Mateo County Fair. Guests are limited to one service animal as defined by the ADA. Guests, or a member of their party, must physically control the service animal on a leash or harness at all times. Service animals are not allowed on carnival rides. Patrons are responsible for cleaning up after all service animals. Guests may be required to remove their service animal from the property if the service animal demonstrates aggression, disrupts activities, is left unattended, or not cleaned up after.

Hand Wash Stations and Drinking Fountains

Hand wash stations accessible to guests with disabilities have been located at the Livestock Pavilion, Food Court and at the carnival adjacent to the portable toilets. Accessible drinking fountain are located in Expo Hall, Fiesta Hall and outside the Plaza Stage restrooms.

Entertainment Seating for guests with disabilities and their companions has been designated at all entertainment venues. Accessible seating at main stage concerts, located within Expo Hall, has been designated. General admission seating, including accessible seating, at main stage concerts is included in the cost of fair admission. All seating at main stage concerts, including accessible seating, is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Sensory Wait Cards

To enhance your experience at the San Mateo County Fair, sensory wait cards will be available at both of our Guest Services locations. These cards will assist when waiting in line.

Sensory Cards